Hi there, I didn't mean to disappear from blogland but sometimes time just gets away from me. I have been busy but didn't feel like I had a lot to show for my efforts. Think I'm not alone with that.
I have a continual battle for work space in my sewing room. I know I'm very lucky to have a space of my own but cause its smallish and I'm always trying to fit more in I find it very hard to keep on top of the mess. I've had a clean out yet again and a rearrage and bought more storage containers (bury me in a plastic container) I've got so many.
I was so disorganised for a few weeks that I couldn't do any stitching till I sorted myself out. Just when I looked like I might have made some space I got sidetracked on a new hobby - more about that in a minute. Since I didn't take photos of this whole process I've got a photo above of the quilt I made for Aleisha's 18th birthday nearly 2 years ago. I used a jelly roll and layer cake of Love is in the Air by Deb Strain and a pattern from a book of quilts from Jelly Rolls and Layer Cakes which I've leant to a friend at the moment so can't remember the name. I love the bright colours, it was a fun easy quilt to make I even machine quilted it myself. Aleisha brought it over for me to wash, she was worried about doing it herself. I put 3 colour catches in the machine cause the fabrics weren't prewashed. It came out looking really good colour catches did their job. I even finished off the drying in the clothes dryer, think its the first time I've ever put a quilt in the dryer. Looks good.
One of the things I've wanted for ages is a nice display cabinet to keep my quilts in. I know they're out there but it wasn't something I could justify buying at the moment. Anyway a couple of weeks ago Aleisha showed my a website called gumtree where people sell things or give them away. Short story is I got myself a really nice big cabinet for $150 which suited my budget. It wasn't far away and Aleishas partner James and I went and picked it up in his ute. It was very heavy and it poured with rain as James and the man who owned the cabinet loaded it onto the ute but we did get it home and into the lounge and it looks great.
It is so nice to have somewhere to keep the quilts that aren't being used and be able to admire them as well. Plus its a win win cause my quilts aren't taking up space in my bedroom where most were stacked and I've got lots more storage space in cabinet. There is a drawer that I haven't used yet and the cupboards at bottom where I've got some xmas things and wips. Yay for the internet!!!
A few weeks ago I spent a very fun afternoon at Traceys house where she got me started on a mixed media project. I was so excited about the possibilities especially as I can make a journal of all my quilts and ideas etc. I had one that I started in 2010 but only did 4 pages now I can add all sorts of pictures and ideas that I wouldn't have thought about doing before. That started me on a quest to get more quilt photos printed out which then led me onto going through all our family photos and sorting them out, then I decided to scrapbook some of the family photos cause we have so many. As Jack said I really needed another hobby!! I've been shopping for supplies of course and then buying more plastic storage containers......I could be doing worse things right?
Needless to say I now have to find space for a whole lot more stuff. Don't think kitchen tables were ever meant to be used for eating were they? I'm making an album for Aleisha for her birthday in August I hope she likes it. I had always tried to avoid scrapbooking cause I have enough hobbies already but what the hell. Wouldn't ever want to be bored with nothing to do. Last Sunday Tracey took me to a huge scrapbooking shop in Mornington it was amazing I could have spent all day there!
I did buy some paper even though I had told myself I already had enough. Didn't realise how fabulous it could be and of course some of it's designed by some of the quilt designers I like. There were also stickers and tapes and pens that I had to have it was great. Whats even more exciting is we're going back tomorrow morning cause Tracey left behind a couple of books she bought there last week. I will try not to get too carried away.Promise.Hahahaha