Its been a while since I've posted somehow I keep running out of time. Jack has taken over my laptop for his uni studies since his is playing up. I mostly use my ipad now but I've never done a blog post using it and I haven't figured out how to put my photos on it yet either. As I've mentioned before I'm not very good with technology so it all seems a bit overwhelming at times. Not to mention time consuming. I lost hours today trying to figure out a couple of my technical hitches and didn't get anything figured out and might have deleted one of my favourite blogs from my reader account!
This is the quilt that has had me questioning my quilting abilities. I mentioned in my last post that its been basted for 2 years and I couldn't figure out how I wanted to quilt it. Well I thought I'd figured it out so I machine quilted diagonal lines through the blocks and double straight lines through the block centres. I hated doing the machine quilting I think stitching straight lines is a lot harder than doing free motion quilting. I'm not overly happy with how it turned out (I've photographed its good side). I ended up with a couple of nasty pleats in a couple of the blocks. I haven't put the binding on yet but when it is finished I think I'm going to try washing it and putting it in the clothes dryer so at least all my quilting might look wrinkled. I need this quilt finished I don't want to spend any more time on it. Now I'm thinking maybe I should have tried to fmq it, it probably would have turned out better.
My laptop is misbehaving so I think I better stop before I lose everything.
Bye for now